Tuesday, April 15, 2014

M is for Mosaic

Think before dumping household junk into the garbage can, as children may want to use it for art projects. Yes, junk! Believe it or not, many items that are otherwise known as trash can be used to create an array of arts and crafts projects – and if this trash is gathered neatly in a decorated "junk box", they'll be more accessible to young crafters.

Smaller pieces of junk can be used to create a colorful mosaic – a picture made of tiny items. Glue materials such as bottle caps, broken toy parts, or torn notebook covers, into a pattern on a piece of cardboard or sturdy paper. Dried foods, such as rice, seeds, beans, dried pasta, and even egg shells also make mosaics appealing.
Rather than a pattern, children may choose to make a representational mosaic of a dog or a house. Have them first draw the figure on the cardboard, then they can glue on the small junk pieces to fill inside the shape.

Photo courtesy of Tania Cowling, all rights reserved

See you tomorrow with the letter N,

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