Thursday, April 24, 2014

U is for Unique

Families today take many different forms:  two parents, one parent, blended and extended.  But all families play an important role in a child's life. Children have so much to share. "Together Time" activities and sincere attention will let them know you value their thoughts and ideas. We are all UNIQUE~~
We Are All Unique
Explain how everyone has fingerprints unlike anyone else.  Have all the family members make a thumbprint collage.  Press your thumb on an ink stamp pad.  Press the thumbs down on white paper and label with everyone's name.  Look through a magnifying glass and compare prints.
Bag of Disguises Game
No matter what you put on your body---you are still "you".  It's fun to experiment with disguises.  Provide a bag or box of disguise props and a mirror---what fun!!!  Suggestions for your box are wigs, make-up, hats, helmets, uniforms, clothing, ties, jewelry, scarves, glasses and so on.  Bring out the camera, as this is a great time for humorous picture taking.

Oh! Baby
Start with reading library books about animals and their babies. Discuss the similarities and differences between parents and their young. Then enjoy going through old family photo albums. Notice the changes of your children as they have grown through the years. Last, compare pictures of yourself and your parents to your children today. Are there many physical traits across the generations?

See you later for the letter V,

Photo of my child's hand plaque - we are all unique by Tania Cowling, all rights reserved

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